May 28, 2016

10 things we learned when we gave away (almost) everything we owned

Lessons after 50, Money

In the spring of 2015 my partner and I sold the family home and gave away—quite literally—95% of our possessions. It was among the most powerful and meaningful moments of our lives. We learned a great deal in that process and its immediate aftermath. First a little context. We moved to Charlotte, North Carolina after spending almost all of our adult lives in Western Michigan. We quickly embraced Charlotte with…

Our favorite weekend wine: Rotie Northern Blend

My picks, What I'm Drinking

We have been true believers in our little household that everybody needs three wines on hand at all time--so we buy them by the case (or the half case at least). #1 The house red--your everyday drinking red wine. It should work for both pizza and pasta and because it is Tuesday and tomorrow you still have to do that meeting with the awful client. It needs to be both…